Rooms - St. Boniface

Little Owls
6 months - 15 months - Guidance Age Range*
Our Little Owls are nurtured and cared for at a young age to help prepare them for their next stage of development to become a Toddler.

  • Woodlands provides nappies, wipes and milk all as part of the fees for Little Owls.

We have separate areas for Little Owls:

  • A sensory room, babies develop rapidly from sensory learning; colours, lights, shapes, mirrors and a sense of space is developed in this room.
  • A main area for our Educators to read stories in the reading corner, encourage learning through play via sand, water, paint and other materials which encourage babies to develop.
  • Crafty Tales music and movement classes to encourage development of spacial awareness, balance, physical movements, and play through through music and interaction.
  • A separate room with curtains for Little Owls to sleep quietly and in peace without being disturbed by other Little Owls who are awake, this helps to create a sense of tranquility and peace to put them at ease.

Little Robins
15 months - 24 months - Guidance Age Range*
Our Little Robins are nurtured and cared for to help prepare them for their next stage of development to become confident Toddlers.

We have separate large and spacious room for Little Robins:

  • A sensory play area, for our young Toddlers to develop further sensory learning through; sand, water, paint and other materials which encourage sensory learning.
  • A dedicated Reading area for our Educators to read stories in the reading corner during quiet time and sleep time.
  • Crafty Tales music and movement classes to encourage spacial awareness, balance, physical activity, and play through through music and fun.
  • Outdoor play each day in our garden which has a climbing frame, water play area, mud kitchen, sand pit and outdoor space.
  • A sleeping corner is present so that our Little Robins can get the much needed regular rest after their daily activities.

24 months - 36 months - Guidance Age Range*
Our Woodpeckers are encouraged to explore the plethora of activities and resources which we set out for them to help them develop:

We have separate room for Woodpeckers:

  • We encourage exploration of creativity through our dress up corner.
  • Reading corner to develop learning through literacy.
  • Spanish classes to encourage language development.
  • Crafty Tales music and movement classes to encourage spacial awareness, balance, physical activity, dancing and singing through fun.
  • Outdoor play each day in our garden which has a climbing frame, water play area, mud kitchen, sand pit and outdoor space.
  • Sporkids Mixed Sports classes are provided so Woodpeckers can start to learn sports which they can carry forward into their lives.
  • A sleeping corner is present so that our Woodpeckers can get the rest they need after all of their activities.

Pre-School - Guidance Age Range*
Nightingales are set activities and tasks to prepare them for school:

  • Nightingales participate in the celebration of festivals and significant events throughout the year in an effort to educate children about diversity.
  • Teaching children the basics of math, science and literature to prep for school attendance.
  • Teaching children to write their names confidently in preparation for school.
  • Following a termly curriculum with structure through planned activities to align to the key EYFS principles.
  • Social activities are implemented; eating at a table together in groups, sharing food and recognition of others.
  • Spanish classes to enhance language development.
  • Outdoor play each day in our garden, and a growing patch for children to plant seeds and plants so that they can visualise and understand nature.
  • Crafty Tales music and movement classes to encourage spacial awareness, balance, physical activity, dancing and singing through fun.
  • Sporkids Mixed Sports classes are provided for Nightingales to promote social interaction among our older group of children.
  • Artistic activities involving painting, drawing and arts and craft, for children to be able to express themselves through art.

* Guidance Age Range - At Woodlands we believe in the Family Grouping concept, this means we move children between rooms based upon when the time is right for them given their developmental needs instead of the traditional route of their date of birth. We believe this provides children with the correct nurturing that is right for their own needs at their own pace. Groupings in rooms are also dependent upon age group intakes and space, sometimes we can experience an influx of certain age groups and we may need to use rooms to target new groups to accommodate children as required to ensure that the best quality of education and childcare can be provided