Event Calendar June 2024

Event Calendar
Date Activity Parents Involvement
03.06.24 & 04.06.24 Monday and Tuesday Pride Lots of fun filled activities Wear rainbow coloured clothing and make your own pride flag to bring in for the day.
10.06.24 All week Insect awareness week Please bring pictures of insects or if you can bring a live insect for show and tell.
11.06.24 Tuesday Father's Day Exercise with children (Garden) 9.00-10.00 Please let us know if any dads would like to join us. For Woodpeckers
13.06.24 Thursday Father's Day Exercise with children (Garden) 10.30-11.00 11.00-11.30 Please let us know if any dads would like to join us. Little Robins For Nightingales
17.06.24-21.06.24 National Sports and Yoga week Please let us know if any parents would like to do yoga with the children.
24.06.24 All Week International Music Week Bring in any musical instruments you have for show and tell. We welcome homemade musical instruments as well.
26.06.24 Wednesday International Picnic week Wear your favorite pyjama and bring in your favorite teddy, a story book and a blanket.